
Perspectives on Church Government: Five Views of Church Polity is unavailable, but you can change that!

How does God intend his people to be governed and guided? How a church organizes itself can be its greatest strength and greatest weakness. Organization and leadership are crucial to the work of the kingdom of God, but with polity often comes politics. The decision as to who offers earthly governance to the body of Christ cannot be made in a cultural or historical vacuum. The Bible must be...

which goes beyond and, in my judgment, against the pattern we see reflected in the New Testament. Second, Congregationalism honors best the doctrine of the priesthood of all the believers and the church as the body of Christ. It recognizes the fact that God calls each believer to doctrinal vigilance (Jude 3) and that God gifts each and every believer for service to the body. It recognizes that God has committed certain matters to the congregation as a whole (e.g., church discipline). In the third
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